Are you tired of depending on doctor-prescribed medications to fix the problems caused by your erectile dysfunction? You're not alone. A significant number of males are looking for alternative, curative treatments for this all too frequent condition.
The good news is that you don't need to depend on drugs to boost your sexual health since there are a lot of other methods you may use. In this blog from Genesis Lifestyle Medicine, we will discuss the most effective alternatives to medical treatment for erectile dysfunction that are without the need of prescription drugs.
What Exactly Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction, often known as ED, is a common condition in which a man is unable to obtain or sustain an erection that is adequate for sexual activity. It is a disorder that is quite widespread and may afflict men of any age, although it is more frequent in men of advanced years.
ED may be brought on by a wide range of circumstances, including both physical and psychological problems, and it has the potential to have a considerable influence on a man's sexual health as well as his entire quality of life. That said, there are treatments available in the health industry to help with ED and promote better sexual health.
What Are Some Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction That Don't Include Prescription Drugs?
There are a variety of treatment options available for ED such as:
Vacuum Erection Device
The vacuum erection device is a common treatment option for people with ED. Suction is used to manually draw blood into your penis, which is why a VED is also sometimes referred to as a penile pump. When the erection has been achieved, a tension ring is placed around the base of the penis. This helps the patient keep their erection for around half an hour.
While many men do not like the concept of using suction and ring compression to get and maintain erections, it is a reliable option that works for many couples to restore erection function without the use of medication.
Testosterone Replacement
In males who have low amounts of the hormone testosterone, a medical treatment known as testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is used to boost the levels of testosterone in the body. It is not always the case that testosterone is the major cause of erectile dysfunction, despite the fact that testosterone is an essential hormone for male sexual health. That said, it can be beneficial to help with ED symptoms in the long-run.
Priapus Toxin™™
The Priapus Toxin™™ technique enhances erectile performance by optimizing oxygen supply, increasing generation of nitric oxide, increasing blood flow to the penile tissues, and stimulating new nerve and blood vessel formation.
The addition of Botox, a neurotoxin that is widely recognized and trusted, helps by relaxing the smooth muscles that govern blood flow to the penis and boosting production of nitric oxide. This results in an erection that is both more quick and more persistent. It is also possible that it functions by boosting the parasympathetic response in the penis, which is necessary for arousal, erection, and orgasmic function in both men and women.
Since this injection is somewhat painless, quite rapid, and requires no downtime, patients are able to go about their day nearly immediately after receiving it and continue with their normal activities.
The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus Shot, is a method of treating erectile dysfunction that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma also known as PRP into the penis. The patient's own blood is first collected, then processed in order to concentrate the platelets and growth factors, and this is how the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is produced.
The growth factors included in the PRP may encourage the creation of new blood vessels and enhance blood flow to the penis, both of which can lead to better erectile function. In most cases, the injection is performed in the clinic, and the process itself takes just a few minutes.
Penile Implants
A penile implant is a surgical procedure that may take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes and includes inserting a device that is water-based into the erection chambers of the penis. This gives the patient the ability to consistently regulate when and for how long an erection occurs. While this is the treatment option for ED that comes the closest to being a cure for this type of treatment, many people opt away from this option due to the fact that they need to undergo a surgical procedure.
How Often Do You Need to Get Injections If You Choose This Treatment Option?
If you are leaning towards getting either the P-shot, BoTox or hormone therapy replacement injections you may be wondering how often you’ll need to get these injections done. That said, the frequency of injections may vary based on each patient and their level of severity.
On average, Priapus Toxin™™ will be needed every three to six months to prolong the effects. Since Botox does wear off in the muscles, maintenance treatments are required to prolong those results and ensure you’re receiving all of the benefits.
On the other hand, the P-shot and hormone therapy replacement may be done more frequently based on the patient's needs. Since hormone levels may vary, the frequency of these treatments will be determined by your expert during your consultation. The P-shot may require the same level of customization as some patients may feel and see results more quickly than others.
All that being said and done, during your consultation with your medical professionals they will be able to advise you of how many treatments they believe will benefit you based on your needs and your goals from the treatment.
Find Out How Our Experts at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine Can Help
If you’re ready to take control of your ED symptoms without the use of prescription drugs, we have just the treatment to help. Give our experts a call or fill out a form to get started on your consultation process.