Low testosterone, sometimes referred to as "Low T," is becoming more common among males. To regain their health and energy, several men are turning to testosterone therapy to get their levels back to normal. While testosterone replacement therapy has intriguing advantages and benefits, is it safe for men to use?
That said, in this blog from Genesis Lifestyle Medicine, we’ll go over what testosterone therapy is and whether it is deemed safe or not for use.
What Is Testosterone Therapy?
The purpose of the medical treatment known as testosterone therapy is to restore a man's natural level of "man strength." Its primary function is to increase levels of testosterone, a hormone that is vital to the health of male sexual organs as well as the development of muscular mass and bone density in men.
Injections, skin patches, topical gels or creams, and pellets that are injected beneath the skin are some of the numerous forms that testosterone replacement treatment may take. The purpose of this therapy is to restore normal testosterone levels, which may help relieve symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as diminished sex desire, erectile dysfunction, and even depression.
Who Is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Those who suffer from hypogonadism, which is characterized by low testosterone levels, may get benefits from testosterone replacement treatment. In males, this may be brought on by a number of circumstances, such as age, an injury or infection that affects the testicles, treatments with radiation or chemotherapy, or certain hereditary disorders. In females, low testosterone levels might be the consequence of malfunction in the ovary or adrenal glands, menopause, or other medical disorders.
Men who have low levels of testosterone may have a variety of symptoms, including a reduction in sex desire, erectile dysfunction, exhaustion, a reduction in muscle mass or strength, an increase in body fat, and a reduction in bone density. The use of testosterone replacement treatment may be able to reduce some of these symptoms and lead to an overall improvement in the individual's quality of life. To simply put it, people who have lower levels of this hormone may be good candidates for this type of therapy.
When Is the Right Time to Start Testosterone Therapy?
Among males who are physically fit and in their 20s, normal levels of testosterone often fall somewhere in the range of 300 to 950 nanograms per deciliter. It is quite normal for men's testosterone levels to begin falling at a rate of 1% each year once they reach their 30s, and this decline will only accelerate as men continue to age. But, if your testosterone production drops below 300 ng/dl, you may begin to display signs of low testosterone, such as the following:
- Low libido
- Decreased bone mass and density
- Reduced amount of muscular mass
- Cognitive function that is impaired
- Erectile dysfunction
- Among others…
If your doctor determines that your testosterone levels are low, he or she may recommend that you take testosterone replacement therapy in order to boost those levels and restore hormonal balance within the body.
How Are Testosterone Treatments Usually Administered?
While different clinics will provide testosterone treatments in various ways, most of them provide testosterone treatment in the form of gels, patches, or implants. On the other hand, the vast majority of hormone experts are of the opinion that the most efficient approach to introduce testosterone into your body is through the bloodstream, which can typically be accomplished most effectively via the use of testosterone injections every week.
Is It Safe for Men to Get Testosterone Injections?
Even though there are a lot of people who wonder whether or not testosterone replacement treatment is safe, most doctors agree that getting testosterone injections is completely safe. On the other hand, the likelihood of you experiencing various adverse effects is proportional to the way in which your body reacts to the therapy. In most cases, men who receive testosterone replacement treatment report having common side effects and allergic responses, including the following:
- Dizziness
- Increased volume of breast tissue
- Headaches
- Edema in the extremities, particularly the hands, feet, and ankles
- Discoloration or bruising at the injection site.
If you encounter any of these unwanted effects, you should arrange an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible so that he or she may alter your dose to account for these problems while you are undergoing treatment.
How Can Experts Keep Track of Their Patients Who Are on Testosterone Therapy?
There are various ways for medical professionals to track and prevent issues from arising for their patients. Regular visits, blood tests, and physical examinations are some of the ways in which medical professionals monitor testosterone treatment patients. The person as well as the sort of testosterone treatment that is being used might have an effect on the frequency as well as the type of monitoring that is performed.
When the patient goes in for their routine checkups, the healthcare practitioner will evaluate the patient's general health and will inquire about any shifts in symptoms or adverse effects that may have occurred since the beginning of testosterone treatment. Because of the potential for other medical problems and drugs that the patient is taking to have an influence on the efficacy or safety of testosterone treatment, the healthcare practitioner will also conduct an assessment of these factors.
In order to check the levels of testosterone in the blood and make sure they are within the acceptable range, blood tests are utilized. In addition to measuring testosterone levels, additional blood tests, such as those that evaluate changes in cholesterol levels, liver function, or blood cell counts, may be carried out to check for the presence of possible adverse effects brought on by testosterone treatment. That said, by being monitored by a professional, patients are in the safest hands possible during their treatment.
Find Out More About Our Testosterone Therapy Options At Genesis Lifestyle Medicine
If you believe you could benefit from testosterone hormone therapy, please contact our experts to find out if you’re the right candidate for this type of treatment at our clinic and we would be happy to get you started.