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Reach Your Body Contouring Goals

CoolSculpting is an innovative technology to remove stubborn fat. It freezes fat cells, which are then naturally absorbed by the body. This non-invasive treatment is designed to reduce areas of unwanted fat that do not respond to diet and exercise and to help patients reach their body contouring goals.

What areas of the body is CoolSculpting designed to treat?

With CoolSculpting treatment, unwanted fat in various parts of the body is frozen. The frozen fat cells die and are gradually absorbed by the body, reducing the area of stubborn fat. CoolSculpting has FDA approval for treating nine different areas of the body in both men and women. These areas are:

  • Under the jawline
  • Under the chin
  • Upper arms
  • Back fat
  • Bra fat
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Abdomen
  • Banana roll (under the buttocks)
  • Thighs
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Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

Why choose us for CoolSculpting in Costa Mesa?

Our medical facilities at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine are equipped with the latest technology and treatments to help people overcome chronic conditions and symptoms. Our doctors have more than four decades of experience. We take an in-depth, patient-focused approach to treatment and offer the highest level of personalized, compassionate care. 

What is a CoolSculpting treatment like?

After consultation and careful assessment, we can develop a personalized CoolSculpting treatment plan for you, including how many sessions you will need to achieve your desired results. Your practitioner will take pictures to help you track your progress. Each session may include multiple treatments. 

  • Your practitioner will outline the areas to be treated, apply a gel pad as a barrier, and place the applicators on your body. 
  • You will feel light vacuum pressure and intense cold. 
  • In approximately 10 minutes, the treatment areas will go numb. 
  • At the treatment end, your practitioner will remove the applicators and gel pads and massage the treated areas for a few minutes to break up fat cells. 

Is there any downtime after CoolSculpting?

There is little or no downtime with CoolSculpting. You can go back to your normal activities after treatment. You may experience slight stinging, aching, sensitivity, or discomfort at the treatment sites due to the intense cold and suction. This should resolve on its own in a few days. CoolSculpting is safe and approved by the FDA.

CoolSculpting FAQs

Is CoolSculpting treatment painful?

Each person is different, but most do not find CoolSculpting treatment painful. Many patients read, check emails, watch TV, or take a nap during treatment.

How long do CoolSculpting treatment sessions take in Costa Mesa?

Treatments can take 35 to 75 minutes per cycle, depending on the area. Treatment sessions average one to three hours. Some CoolSculpting machines can treat two areas at once, which reduces total treatment time.

Can CoolSculpting help with weight loss?

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss treatment. It is designed to reduce areas of stubborn, unwanted fat.

What happens to the fat cells destroyed by the treatment?

The treated fat cells are absorbed by the body in approximately one to three months. Full results can take six months or more to appear.

Who is eligible for CoolSculpting in Costa Mesa?

To be a candidate for CoolSculpting, you must be 18 years of age or older and have no disqualifying medical conditions. You must also be interested in removing stubborn fat from any of the nine treatment areas.

Will the fat come back after CoolSculpting?

Once you reach adulthood, you have a finite number of fat cells in your body. Although these cells can become larger or smaller as you gain or lose weight, the number of fat cells remains the same. Fat cells destroyed by CoolSculpting treatment and absorbed by the body are gone for good.

How much fat reduction can I expect with a CoolSculpting treatment?

Typically, patients can lose 20% to 25% of the fat in a treatment area with a CoolSculpting procedure. Fat can be further reduced with additional treatment.

What are the benefits of CoolSculpting in Costa Mesa?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment that offers multiple benefits to patients, including:

  • Easy, nonsurgical procedure
  • Treatment of multiple areas (under the chin, under the jaw, upper arms, back fat, bra fat, flanks, abdomen, thighs, and banana roll)
  • No downtime or recovery
  • Clinically proven fat loss
  • Noticeable results within eight to 12 weeks
  • Long-lasting reduction of stubborn fat

Genesis Lifestyle Medicine in Costa Mesa – your resource for health and well-being

If you lead a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a healthy diet but have stubborn pockets of fat, CoolSculpting may be the ideal treatment. The team at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine in Costa Mesa delivers custom CoolSculpting procedures, along with other weight loss treatments, geared to enhance your natural beauty and help you feel your best. Every member of our team is dedicated to personalized care and patient satisfaction. We deliver exceptional weight loss treatments that are both safe and reliable.

Let our experienced doctors provide the real-world solutions you need to become the best version of yourself. Reach out to our office in Costa Mesa today to schedule a consultation with an experienced team member to get started.

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