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Helping You Achieve More Gratifying Sexual Experiences

Our treatments for erectile dysfunction get to the root of the problem with innovative therapies that promote healing and increase blood flow naturally. Treatment options include low-intensity pulsewave therapy and the P-shot (Priapus shot), which was named for the Greek god of fertility. As needed, we can also prescribe medications to help improve sexual function. 

What are erectile dysfunction treatments in Costa Mesa?

Many men ages 40 to 70 have some degree of difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection. After an in-depth consultation and thorough examination, our doctors can custom-tailor a treatment plan for you. Treatment options include:

  • Pulsewave therapy: This non-invasive treatment uses targeted sound waves to stimulate penile tissues and encourage blood flow. 
  • P-shot: This treatment uses PRP (platelet-rich plasma) made from own blood in a virtually pain-free injection to improve sexual function.
  • Medications: Viagra increases blood flow to the penis. Trimix is a compounded drug, often prescribed for patients who are not good candidates for Viagra. 

More than four decades of successfully treating patients

At Genesis Lifestyle Medicine, we are proud to have helped thousands of patients with advanced treatments. Our doctors have over 40 years of experience successfully treating chronic health conditions. 

We take a whole-body approach to health. Our treatments are patient-focused and delivered with the highest level of personalized care.

What can I expect with erectile dysfunction treatment in Costa Mesa?

You can expect personalized, compassionate care for erectile dysfunction. Your treatment experience will depend on your customized treatment plan.

  • Pulsewave therapy: A series of treatments is needed to achieve optimum results. A numbing gel is applied to the penis. After it takes effect, low-intensity pulsewave are delivered around the shaft and the base using a small, wand-like device. Treatment takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
  • P-shot: We draw some of your blood and concentrate the platelets in the lab to make PRP (platelet-rich plasma). A topical anesthetic is applied to minimize discomfort, then PRP is injected into the penis.
  • Medications: Viagra or Trimix is taken orally, as directed.
Dancing couple after resolving erectile dysfunction in Las Vegas.
Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

Is there any downtime after erectile dysfunction treatments?

There is no downtime after pulsewave therapy for erectile dysfunction. You can drive yourself home, return to normal activities immediately after treatment, and resume sexual activity approximately four hours after the procedure.

Most patients have little or no downtime after a P-shot. You may experience mild bruising and swelling, which usually subsides in a few hours. Your doctor may advise you to avoid sexual activity and exercise for a few days after treatment. 

FAQs about erectile dysfunction treatments

How does pulsewave therapy work to treat erectile dysfunction?

Pulsewave therapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses high-energy, low-intensity sound waves to break down plaque clogging erectile blood vessels. As a result, it allows for the formation of new blood vessels and better circulation in and around the penis.

How many pulsewave therapy sessions will I need?

Researchers found that patients benefited more in sexual performance after 12 treatment sessions twice per week, as compared to six treatment sessions once per week, in a study published by PubMed. We recognize that every patient is unique and individually tailor health problem solutions to achieve the best results.

How long do results from pulsewave therapy last?

Results can vary from patient to patient. Studies have shown that positive responses can last for up to two years.

How quickly does the P-shot work to improve sexual function?

Individual results with the P-shot can vary. Some patients experience benefits in as little as 24 hours. For many, it can take several weeks. The effects of the Priapus shot gradually improve over time. Final results typically appear approximately three to four months after the initial treatment.

How many P-shots will I need in Costa Mesa?

The number of PRP injections needed to achieve optimum results will depend on the severity of the condition. Most men require three to six treatments a few weeks apart. After the initial series of treatments, maintenance treatments once every 12 to 18 months can help maintain your results.

What sexual problems does the P-shot treat?

The Priapus shot addresses problems with sex drive or the normal ability of the penis, including:

  • Difficulty having or sustaining an erection
  • Soft erections
  • Painful erections
  • Lack of sensation
  • Low libido
  • Reduced stamina
  • Genesis Lifestyle Medicine in Costa Mesa – your source for treating erectile dysfunction

    If you wish you had a more thriving sex life and are struggling with erectile dysfunction, take action today to resolve your symptoms by reaching out to the team at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine. Our doctors in Costa Mesa offer a variety of treatment options to help resolve these issues. We believe in delivering personalized, compassionate care to every patient we serve and that every solution should be customized to achieve the best results. You do not have to live with erectile dysfunction. Reach out to our office in Costa Mesa today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced doctors to get started on creating a treatment plan.

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