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Areola Tattooing at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

Most women who had a nipple areola reconstruction performed will opt to have a tattoo procedure to restore natural color to the reconstructed nipple. Aerial tattooing is a fairly sophisticated process. Instead of a flat tattoo, you will be getting a 3d nipple tattoo in Frisco that closely resembles the original appearance.


To achieve the best possible results, there are a few things that you should avoid leading up to your appointment.

  • Avoid tanning and sunbathing for a minimum of two weeks before your procedure. Otherwise, your skin may become more sensitive, and it may be more difficult to match colors.
  • If you are on blood-thinning medication, consult with your prescribing doctor to make sure it is safe to stop taking it before your appointment. This helps to limit the risk of bleeding.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol, aspirin, and ibuprofen for 24 hours before your appointment.
  • Do not have any chemical peels performed in the treatment area for at least two weeks before your appointment.
woman after 3d nipple tattoo in Frisco
Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

What To Expect

Your provider will first apply a topical numbing agent to your skin in the treatment area. If only one side is being treated, they can combine pigments to closely match the color of your existing nipple areola.

If both nipple areolas are being tattooed, a mixture of pigments can be developed to appropriately complement your skin tone.

Your provider will be using the advanced Nouveau Contour IQ device to perform your areola tattooing. This incredibly precise device can create as many as 150 needle insertions per second.

Your aesthetician will inject tattoo pigment under your skin using the IQ device. More than one treatment session may be necessary to achieve the results that you are seeking for your 3d nipple tattoo in Frisco.

When can I get an areola tattoo?

If your areola tattoo will be placed over scar tissue, you must wait until the scar has completely matured, which can take several months, or even years, depending upon your individual situation. Scars are generally considered to be mature when they have lost their red color and are no longer hard, itchy or tender.

Does it hurt?

No. Your provider will apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area before the process begins. It is normal to experience some degree of pressure or scratching during the treatment.

Schedule A Consultation

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Your Consultation

Every person is unique and different. Your provider will bring their entire skill set and extensive knowledge into play to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. They will go over the planning and tattoo process and answer any questions that you may have. Some things that will be discussed include your desired nipple color, style and shape.

If you would like to learn more about how 3d nipple tattoo in Frisco can help restore your appearance and self-confidence, please contact your Frisco Genesis Lifestyle Medicine provider today to request additional information or schedule a convenient consultation.

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