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Treating sexual wellness for men

Sexual health is vital for men. Increasing stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices can sometimes significantly affect one’s sexual health, causing many problems, including erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can have both physical as well as psychological causes.

At Genesis Lifestyle Medicine, our specialists provide safe and tested treatments for men seeking a solution to erectile dysfunction in Henderson. Among other treatments, our experts use TriMix injections to treat this condition.

What is TriMix Therapy?

TriMix Therapy is a proven and effective way to treat erectile dysfunction in men. TriMix Therapy, or Erectile Injections Therapy, has been used for many years to successfully treat ED, especially in cases where other medications like Viagra have failed. It is extremely effective in cases where sexual dysfunction is caused by a deficiency of male sex hormones or reduced penile blood flow.

TriMix comprises three drugs: alprostadil, a prostaglandin; papaverine, a vasodilator; and phentolamine, an alpha-blocker to help men maintain an erection. TriMix Therapy is mostly administered through penile injections by licensed medical professionals.

patient happy with his treatment for erectile dysfunction in las vegas
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How does TriMix work?

TriMix helps in relaxing, expanding, and filling the erectile tissues with blood resulting in an erection. These injections have greater efficiency than oral medications as they are localized to the affected area instead of having to flow through the bloodstream.

TriMix can be customized according to your needs. The experts at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine will do so after a complete assessment of your health and any underlying conditions. Our licensed medical professionals will help customize the formula to ensure fast and effective results.

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What are the benefits of TriMix injections?

TriMix can achieve fuller and longer erections that allow you to maintain and improve your sexual health and wellness. 

The advantage of TriMix is that it is:

  • Reliable
  • Fast-acting
  • Safe
  • Long-lasting
  • Affordable
  • Not affected by alcohol consumption

When should you consider TriMix?

You should consider TriMix if oral medications fail to give the desired results. With TriMix, you can have longer and fuller erections. When prescribed by trained medical professionals, there are practically no side effects.

It is as convenient as it is fast-acting and an erection may occur in as little as 5 minutes.

Our medical professionals at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine will administer the first injection and also show you how you can do it yourself at home. They will prescribe the right dose according to your needs. You can take up to 3 injections per week, allowing a gap of at least 24 hours or more before the next dose.

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How do you administer TriMix
injections at home?

Our experts at Genesis Lifestyle Medicine will show you how to inject TriMix at home to achieve an erection. They will administer the first dose and give you step-by-step instructions and a visual guide on doing the same at home. It is quite easy to administer TriMix, and you need not worry at all.

Sexual wellness is an important aspect of your life and can significantly affect its quality. If you are seeking a solution for erectile dysfunction in Henderson, call us to schedule an appointment today.

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