Start Your Journey Today
If you’ve scheduled your laser hair removal appointment, you’re probably excited about smooth, hair-free skin. But you need to follow a few pre-care instructions to improve your candidacy and minimize the risk of post-treatment side effects. Please read everything on this list, or there’s a small chance we might not be able to treat you.
Things to Do
6 Weeks Before…
- Avoid waxing
- Avoid hair removal creams
- Avoid hair removal chemicals
- Avoid tweezing
- Avoid electrolysis
- Avoid hair bleaching
2 Weeks Before…
- Avoid incidental or direct sunlight
- Avoid tanning beds, self-tanners, and spray tans
- Apply sunblock with at least SPF 50 when stepping outside
- Wear sunglasses, protective clothing, and wide-brimmed hats
- Reschedule the treatment if you have recent sun exposure
3 Days Before…
- Discontinue topical prescription products on the treatment areas
1 Day Before…
- Shave the areas being treated before your appointment
The Day Of…
- Remove makeup, lotion, sunscreen, deodorant, and all other products from your skin
- Arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment
Shaving is Mandatory
It’s worth emphasizing that you must shave the areas being treated the day before your appointment. While shaving, please move a clean razor in the direction that your hair grows. If you have fine facial hair, you can trim it with a facial hair trimmer or scissors. If you arrive for the appointment unshaved, we may have to reschedule the appointment or leave the unshaved areas untreated.
Remove all Skin Products
You must remove all skin products from your face before the appointment, including makeup, deodorants, lotions, sunscreen, and all other forms of products. Your skin must be completely clear for the treatment. However, if your skin isn’t clear, we can provide facial wipes before your appointment.
Please Arrive Early
We encourage all patients to arrive at least 10 minutes early for the appointment. This will give you enough time to fill out possible paperwork before the session. If you’re more than 5 minutes late, we may have to reschedule or leave some of the areas untreated.
Please Inform Us If…
There are any changes in your medical history
Please inform us of all potential changes in your medical history before time, such as a new diagnosis, pregnancy, medications, or medical conditions. Some medical conditions and medications aren’t suitable for laser treatments, so we need to be informed about all possible changes. In order to ensure safety, we may have to reschedule your treatment.
You get cold sores on the treatment areas
Please inform us if you have an outbreak of cold sores before the treatment. If you have a history of HSV-1 or HSV-2 around the treatment areas, please start taking antiviral medications about 48 hours before the procedure and continue for 5 days after. This will help you avoid an outbreak before the laser hair removal session.
You get tattoos near the treatment areas
Please inform us if you get any ink around the treatment areas. We may have to cover the area with a physical barrier during your appointment.