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Pre-Op Instructions Before Your Treatment:
- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol at least one week before the treatment since it might dry the skin and influence the anesthetic during the treatment.
- Avoid omega fish oils, vitamin E, chilli ginseng, garlic, krill, and other supplements 2 days before your treatment.
- Avoid aspirin-based medicines like Naproxen/Naprogesic, Neurofen, and Ibuprofen, which may cause bleeding, adverse effects, and problems during the service.
- Avoid high-intensity workouts and saunas the days leading up to your treatment.
Things to Avoid After Your Treatment:
- Avoid excessive movement in the injected area for around 2 weeks.
- Avoid strenuous activity for 1 week for any facial treatments and 2 weeks for body treatments.
- Avoid wearing makeup in the treatment area for at least 48 hours after the treatment.
- Avoid drinking alcohol a week following your treatment to avoid swelling.
- Avoid certain aesthetic treatments and facials for 4 weeks following the treatment.
- Avoid certain medication and aspirin-based medicines like Naproxen/Naprogesic, Neurofen, and Ibuprofen following your treatment.
- Avoid smoking for at least 14 days after your treatment to promote the best results.
Things to Do After Your Treatment:
- If you have mild bruising or swelling, ice the treated region for a few minutes, 4 to 5 times a day for the first week.
- Minimize the amount of activity you do the day of and the day after your treatment to promote optimal healing.
- Post-op painkillers are allowed as long as they are recommended by your expert.
- Do not take aspirins for 2 weeks following the service.
- Do not use makeup and face cream for 48 hours.
- For a week, avoid straws and eat soft meals which will restrict movement of the face.
- Avoid chewing gum for 2 weeks after your treatment.
- Sleep upright for the first 2 weeks following your treatment.
- For 3 weeks, avoid pulling, massaging, scrubbing, or exfoliating your face.
- Washing or touching your face should be avoided for the first 12 hours.
When to Expect Your Results:
- Some subtle results should be visible right away, while maximum effects will be visible 4-6 weeks following the treatment.
- Bruising and swelling will be apparent after the treatment and should only last around 2-3 days.
- Tissue asymmetry and abnormalities are frequent and usually last 1-2 weeks.
- Pain at the injection locations is typical and often persists for a few days after the service. Please consult your professionals if any discomfort persists after 2 weeks.