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Treating sexual wellness for men

TriMix is an innovative solution for sexual dysfunction in men offered by Genesis Lifestyle Medicine. This cutting-edge treatment uses a customized blend of medications to provide men with a potent and effective way to regain their sexual confidence and performance.

The Ultimate Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

TriMix is a specialized medication designed to address erectile dysfunction (ED). It's a blend of three key ingredients – alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine – each with unique properties that work together to increase blood flow to the penis. Alprostadil relaxes blood vessels, papaverine enhances blood flow, and phentolamine helps maintain the erection. This powerful combination is carefully customized to suit individual needs, ensuring a reliable and swift response within minutes, making TriMix a highly effective ED treatment.

man running after TriMix treatment in Salt Lake City
Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

TriMix Treats:

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection
  • Reduced sexual performance and confidence
  • Psychological distress related to ED

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How TriMix Works

TriMix operates by utilizing its three key components, alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine, to address the physiological mechanisms underlying erectile dysfunction.

  • Alprostadil is a prostaglandin that relaxes smooth muscles in blood vessels, including those in the penis, leading to vasodilation and improved blood flow in the penis.
  • Papaverine is a vasodilator that further enhances blood flow by relaxing the smooth muscles within the penile arteries, facilitating stronger erections.
  • Phentolamine counters vasoconstriction, maintaining the engorgement of the penis by blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors. This allows you to maintain erections.

Erections occur because of blood flow to the penis during arousal. The ingredients in TriMix increase blood flow to the penis and prevent the loss of blood, thus helping you achieve and sustain strong erections for extended periods.

    Benefits Of TriMix:

    • Rapid onset of action within minutes
    • Highly effective in treating ED
    • Customizable to individual needs
    • Suitable alternative to Viagra and Cialis
    • Increased sexual confidence
    • Improved intimacy and satisfaction
    • Minimal side effects when administered correctly
    happy couple after TriMix treatment in Salt Lake City
    Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

    A Step-by-Step Guide To Self-Administering TriMix:

    • Clean your hands properly to ensure optimal hygiene.
    • Gather all supplies: TriMix, syringe, alcohol swabs, and disposal container.
    • Select an appropriate injection site on the penis as instructed by your healthcare provider.
    • Disinfect the chosen area with an alcohol swab.
    • Assemble the syringe and draw the prescribed TriMix dose.
    • Hold the penis steady and inject the medication into the designated site.
    • Administer TriMix at the appropriate angle and depth, as instructed. 
    • Apply slight pressure to minimize bleeding.
    • Wait for the recommended time for the erection — usually 5 to 20 minutes.
    • Dispose of the used materials safely.

    Our medical professionals will administer the first injection in the clinic and provide guidance on proper self-administration. Please follow our guidance when administering TriMix. You can administer TriMix up to three times per week, with each dose spaced at least 24 hours apart. If you experience any adverse effects, please contact our medical providers immediately.

    Reclaim Vitality With TriMix

    Genesis Lifestyle Medicine offers a groundbreaking solution to sexual dysfunction in men with TriMix. Regain your vitality and confidence as this customized medication blend revives your ability to achieve and maintain firm erections. Our experienced medical team ensures a tailored treatment plan, empowering you to overcome ED and experience renewed intimacy and satisfaction.

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